If you would like to visit Rockdale House Care Home or discuss your requirements, please call us on 01732 454763.
We have 48 well-sized bedrooms, all with en-suite facilities of washbasin and toilet.
We also have short-stay rooms either for respite care or if you want to try out Rockdale House Care Home. Respite/short stay can be booked for 1 – 4 weeks.
Accommodation is arranged over five floors with lift access to all levels and we invite you to view the rooms and discuss your needs.
In the meantime, please find below some links to helpful information:
Paying for residential care: https://www.kent.gov.uk/social-care-and-health/adult-social-care/paying-for-care/paying-for-residential-care
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Download File: https://www.rockdale.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/2024/04/Video.mp4?_=1
Rockdale House is being managed by Bea Oliver, our interim Home Manager.
The House has six care staff and two senior care staff between 07.30 hours and 14.50 hours and five care staff and two seniors up until 20.50 hours.
In addition, one of the day staff starts at 06.00 hours for five days per week and one member of staff finishes at 22.00 hours, seven days per week.
There is also three waking staff on duty each night, an activities organiser, three receptionists (including reception cover over the weekend from 9am – 3pm), catering staff, and housekeeping staff. We also have a volunteer for the current year offering weekly music therapy sessions with residents.
Staffing levels may vary depending on the numbers and needs of residents, so they may go up or down. Staffing levels are always carefully considered to ensure residents receive the care they need. In addition, the activities coordinator works three days per week.
At Rockdale House, we:
The care staff can help you with all aspects of personal care, depending on what you need. One member of staff will have responsibility for your welfare, helping to arrange any appointments, getting to know your family and making sure you don’t run out of bubble bath.
There is a large main lounge on the entrance level as well as 3 smaller, inviting sitting rooms. There are kitchenettes on most floors for anyone to use and a large dining room for residents to eat with company. We also have a smaller, more intimate dining room, 10 assisted bathrooms around the building (4 with hi-lo baths, 4 walk-in baths, and 2 showers) and there are many communal W.C’s available for residents and visitors when not in their rooms.
If your own doctor belongs to a Sevenoaks practice, you will probably wish to remain registered with that surgery. If not then we can arrange for you to be transferred. We will also help you to access other medical services (hospital appointments, dentist, physiotherapist, opticians) and can arrange transport for you to get there. Our local pharmacist delivers prescriptions to the house and senior staff can administer medicines unless you want to look after them yourself.
Visiting services include hairdressing, chiropody, group exercises, a weekly shop and the library. Clergy of various denominations visit and conduct services and members of local churches collect residents to go out to church. Your family and friends are welcome at any time and there are guest flats available for visitors from a distance or who need to be with an ill relative.
For sunny days we have a beautiful garden patio and a roof terrace which acts as a morning suntrap. The outdoor space allows our residents to enjoy the fresh air and even do a bit of gardening.
Also on site is a fully equipped hairdressing salon, lounges on different floors for residents to use with family and friends and to enjoy the various activities provided.
We also now have a dedicated treatment room for chiropody and visiting nurses etc.
There are leisure activities to join in with if you want to, which include outings and in-house activities.
Our information is kept up to date regularly. To understand our obligations under consumer law when dealing with residents and representatives, please click on this link.
Meals are served at 9am, 1pm and 5.30pm in the dining rooms whilst morning tea/coffee, afternoon tea and late night drinks will be brought to you. The Catering Manager consults residents on menus and special dietary requirements can be arranged for.
All normal laundry (including personal laundry) is done on the premise. All bedding and towels are provided.
Rockdale is regulated by the Care Quality Commission. We were inspected in May 2023 and have maintained our rating of “Good” across all categories.
See our full report here.
The CQC infection prevention and control inspections look at how well people using a service are kept safe from the spread of infections. Rockdale House was inspected in February 2021 and the full report can be found here.
If you would like to visit Rockdale House or discuss your requirements, please contact the Home Manager on telephone 01732 454763 or send us a message below to request a brochure.
Rockdale House, Rockdale Road, Sevenoaks, TN13 1JT